in a positive skewed distrubtion with a mean (average) of 100 and median of 90 is What?

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Positively skewed?

Mode should be greater than 100.

Sorry, mode should be less than 90.

In a positively skewed distribution with a mean of 100 and a median of 90, it means that the distribution has a longer tail to the right side, indicating that there are some extreme values pulling the average higher. To understand this concept better, let's break it down step by step.

First, let's understand what the mean and median represent:

1. Mean (average): It is a measure of central tendency and represents the sum of all values divided by the number of values. It is greatly influenced by outliers.

2. Median: It is also a measure of central tendency and represents the middle value when the data is arranged in ascending or descending order. The median is less influenced by extreme values.

Given that the distribution is positively skewed and the mean is 100, it means that there are some high values that are pulling the average up. Since the median is 90, it suggests that there are some values to the left of the median that are significantly lower than the mean, resulting in the longer tail on the right side.

To fully comprehend the distribution, it would be helpful to visualize it using a histogram or a box plot. A histogram displays the frequency of values in different intervals, while a box plot provides information about the five-number summary (minimum, first quartile, median, third quartile, maximum) and any outliers.

By plotting the data, you can visually confirm the positive skewness and gain a better understanding of the distribution's characteristics.