Marcy paid $35 for 10 kg of raisins. She divided raisins equally into two containers. Then she sold raisins in the first container at $4.50 per kg and those in second container at $5.50 per kg. How much money did Marcy earn after selling all the raisins?

(5 * 4.50) + (5 * 5.50) - 35 = ?

Marcy bought 10 kg of raisins for $35. Therefore, the cost of each kilogram of raisins is $35/10 = $3.50.

Marcy divided the raisins equally into two containers, so each container has 10 kg / 2 = 5 kg of raisins.

For the first container, Marcy sold the raisins at $4.50 per kg. Therefore, she earned 5 kg * $4.50 = $22.50 from selling the raisins in the first container.

For the second container, Marcy sold the raisins at $5.50 per kg. Therefore, she earned 5 kg * $5.50 = $27.50 from selling the raisins in the second container.

In total, Marcy earned $22.50 + $27.50 = $<<22.50+27.50=50>>50 from selling all the raisins.

To find out how much money Marcy earned after selling all the raisins, we need to calculate the total amount of money she earned from each container.

First, we need to determine how many kilograms of raisins are in each container. Since Marcy divided the raisins equally into two containers, each container will have 10 kg / 2 = 5 kg of raisins.

Next, we need to calculate the money earned from each container. In the first container, which has 5 kg of raisins, Marcy sold them at $4.50 per kg. So, the total money earned from the first container is 5 kg * $4.50/kg = $22.50.

In the second container, she sold 5 kg of raisins at $5.50 per kg. Thus, the total money earned from the second container is 5 kg * $5.50/kg = $27.50.

To find the total money earned, we need to add the money earned from both containers. Thus, Marcy earned $22.50 + $27.50 = $50 after selling all the raisins.