malik folded his square piece of art paper exactly 4 times so that the creases formed 16 squares as shown.

Which fraction describes how malik folded the paper?

A. 1/2

B. 1/3

C. 1/4

D. 1/16<<<<<<<<< is it D.

I have no hecking clue

He folded it 1/2 each time

Yes, the correct fraction that describes how Malik folded the paper is D. 1/16.

To determine the fraction that describes how Malik folded the paper, we need to analyze the number of squares formed after each fold.

In the given diagram, Malik folded the square piece of art paper exactly 4 times, resulting in 16 squares. We can notice that each fold divided the previous number of squares into twice as many squares.

Let's break it down:

- After the first fold, the square piece of paper is divided into two squares.
- After the second fold, each of the two squares is divided, resulting in four squares.
- After the third fold, each of the four squares is divided, resulting in eight squares.
- After the fourth and final fold, each of the eight squares is divided, resulting in sixteen squares.

From this analysis, we can conclude that each fold doubles the number of squares. Therefore, the fraction that describes how Malik folded the paper is 1/2.

So, the correct answer is A. 1/2.