Please explain the use of humour in the essays "Back to the Desk" of Robert Lynd??

I've never read his essays, but read through the types of humor here:

As you read his essays, which types of humor do you think he uses.

I agree.

To understand the use of humor in Robert Lynd's essay "Back to the Desk," it is important to analyze the purpose and impact of humor in this piece. Here's how you can do it:

1. Read the essay: Begin by reading the essay "Back to the Desk" by Robert Lynd thoroughly. Understand the context, tone, and theme of the essay to identify instances of humor.

2. Identify humorous elements: Look for elements like wit, irony, satire, and wordplay throughout the essay. Pay attention to the author's tone, language, and structure to spot instances where humor is employed.

3. Analyze the purpose: Consider why Robert Lynd uses humor in his essay. Humor can serve various purposes, such as engaging the reader, lightening the mood, highlighting absurdities, or amplifying the author's point. Determine what effect Lynd aims to achieve with his humor.

4. Examine comedic techniques: Note the specific comedic techniques used by Lynd. Is he relying on sarcasm, exaggeration, or clever wordplay? Identify examples of these techniques and assess how they contribute to the overall humor of the essay.

5. Understand the impact: Reflect on how humor influences the reader's experience and the essay's message. Does it enhance the reader's engagement, elicit laughter, or make the author's ideas more memorable? Consider whether humor adds depth, amplifies the author's voice, or serves as a form of social commentary.

6. Summarize the role of humor: Synthesize your analysis to explain the overall role and impact of humor in "Back to the Desk." Discuss how the use of humor aligns with the essay's themes, the author's intention, and its effect on the reader's perception and interpretation.

By following these steps, you will be able to understand why and how Robert Lynd uses humor in his essay "Back to the Desk" effectively.

Maybe Ironic humour..i think....!!!