I need help finding quotes about haunting past in the book The Stone Carvers. Please.

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To find quotes about the haunting past in the book "The Stone Carvers," you can follow these steps:

1. Start by reading the book thoroughly. Take note of any passages or dialogues that mention or discuss the characters' past experiences or memories that haunt them.

2. Look for words or phrases that indicate the characters' haunted past, such as "haunting memories," "lingering ghosts," "painful past," or "unresolved traumas."

3. Pay special attention to the thoughts and inner monologues of the characters. Authors often use these moments to explore their characters' pasts and delve into their haunting memories.

4. If you have access to an electronic version of the book, you can use the search function to look for keywords or phrases related to a haunting past. This method saves you time compared to flipping through the physical book.

5. Additionally, you can explore study guides or literary analyses of "The Stone Carvers." These resources often highlight important quotes and themes, including references to the characters' haunted pasts.

Remember, finding specific quotes can be a subjective task as different readers may interpret passages differently. Make sure to read the book thoroughly and make note of the quotes that personally resonate with you as reflecting a haunting past.