Electric lighting was a novelty before it became (1 point)
Read the following paragraph from “The Electric Summer”:
"That thrilled me, and scared me. The great world seemed to swing wide like the gates of the Fair, and I didn’t even have a plan. I hadn’t even put up my hair yet. It seemed to me it was time for that, time to jerk that big bow off the braid hanging down my back and put up my hair in a woman’s way."

What is the main idea of this paragraph?
(1 point)
Geneva is both excited by and scared of the thought of becoming an adult.***
Geneva is tired of her old hairstyle and wants a new one.
Geneva wants to make a plan to go to another World’s Fair as soon as she can.
Geneva asks, “But Mama, how can we just go home after all we’ve seen?” What does this most likely indicate about Geneva? (1 point)
She did not care for the experience they had at the World’s Fair.
She is ready to go home, but she doesn’t want to hurt her mother’s feelings.
She has been profoundly affected by her new and different experiences.***
What is the best way to correct a vague pronoun reference? (1 point)
Remove the antecedent.
Remove the pronoun.
Substitute a different pronoun.**

1. No.

2. Yes.

3. Yes.

4. Yes.

1 you are wrong answer is B

looks good overall though. Good work

Scratch that Four is wrong to. It is b

1. To check your answer for question 1, you can look back at the passage and determine the meaning of the word "novelty". A novelty is something new or unusual. The passage states that electric lighting was a novelty before it became something else. Out of the given answer choices, the one that best fits is "unusual". So, if you selected "unusual" as your answer, it is correct.

2. To check your answer for question 2, you can analyze the main idea of the paragraph. It mentions Geneva being thrilled and scared, feeling like the world is opening up to her, and wanting to put up her hair in a woman's way. Based on these details, the main idea is that Geneva is both excited by and scared of the thought of becoming an adult. If you selected "Geneva is both excited by and scared of the thought of becoming an adult", your answer is correct.

3. To check your answer for question 3, you can look at the context of Geneva's question to her mother. She asks how they can just go home after all they've seen. This implies that Geneva has been deeply affected by her new and different experiences. If you chose "She has been profoundly affected by her new and different experiences", your answer is correct.

4. To check your answer for question 4, you can analyze the question itself. It asks for the best way to correct a vague pronoun reference. Given the options, the best strategy would be to substitute a different pronoun that has a clear and specific antecedent. By doing this, you can avoid confusion and ensure clarity in your writing. So, if you selected "Substitute a different pronoun", your answer is correct.