18.Fertilizers and pesticides applied to farm fields in Pennsylvania have made their way down into the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland. This is an example of _________________ pollution.

19.Before beginning any land development project, people should carry out a(n) ___________________ analysis to consider all of the potential impacts of the project on the local ecosystems.

18. Water pollution

19. Nonpoint source
hope this helped

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oh sorry i had figured it out mins later but thank you Ms.Sue

nonpoint source

Is he correct?

18. The type of pollution described in the first statement is called "nonpoint source pollution." This occurs when pollutants from multiple sources, such as fertilizers and pesticides applied to farm fields, enter a body of water through runoff. To determine the answer, we need to understand the different types of water pollution.

There are two main categories of water pollution: point source pollution and nonpoint source pollution. Point source pollution refers to pollution that comes from a single identifiable source, such as a factory or a sewage treatment plant. Nonpoint source pollution, on the other hand, refers to pollution that comes from multiple sources, making it difficult to trace the exact origin.

In this case, fertilizers and pesticides applied to farm fields in Pennsylvania have made their way down into the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland, indicating that the pollution is coming from multiple unidentified sources. This aligns with the definition of nonpoint source pollution.

19. The blank in the second statement refers to an "environmental impact analysis." When it comes to land development projects, it is crucial to consider the potential impacts on the local ecosystems. An environmental impact analysis involves assessing the environmental consequences of a proposed project before it is undertaken.

To conduct an environmental impact analysis, various factors must be considered, such as the potential harm to wildlife habitats, water quality, air quality, and overall biodiversity in the area. This analysis helps in identifying any negative impacts that the project may have on the environment and allows for the development of strategies to mitigate those impacts.

By carrying out an environmental impact analysis, decision-makers can make informed choices regarding land development projects, weighing the potential benefits against the potential harms to the local ecosystems.