Which of the following were the main proponents of NAFTA?

A. Labor unions
B. Human rights groups
C. Environmentalists
D. Large corporations


The main proponents of NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Agreement, were primarily large corporations. To determine the answer, you can analyze the key parties involved in the negotiation and support of NAFTA.

Labor unions, while they may have had some concerns about the potential impact of NAFTA on jobs and working conditions, were not the main proponents of the agreement. Their stance would be more likely to be neutral or even opposed.

Human rights groups and environmentalists also expressed concerns about the potential negative consequences of NAFTA, such as exploitation of labor and environmental degradation. They might have engaged in discussions and lobbying to ensure that the agreement included provisions promoting human rights and environmental sustainability, but they were not the main driving force behind NAFTA.

On the other hand, large corporations, particularly those in the manufacturing and agricultural sectors, strongly advocated for NAFTA. They saw it as an opportunity to access larger markets, reduce trade barriers, and increase profitability. Furthermore, many corporate leaders and industry associations played active roles in shaping and promoting NAFTA, making them the main proponents of the agreement.

In summary, the main proponents of NAFTA were large corporations.