among the northern andean countries strongly involved in the illegal coca and drug trade_______ is now the predominant cocoa producer.

A. Bolivia
B. Peru
C. Ecuador
D. Columbia


To find the answer to this question, we need to gather information about the current predominant cocoa producer among the northern Andean countries involved in the illegal coca and drug trade. Let's examine each option:

A. Bolivia: We are unsure if Bolivia is the predominant cocoa producer or not. We need to look for additional information.

B. Peru: We are unsure if Peru is the predominant cocoa producer or not. We need to look for additional information.

C. Ecuador: We are unsure if Ecuador is the predominant cocoa producer or not. We need to look for additional information.

D. Colombia: We are unsure if Colombia is the predominant cocoa producer or not. We need to look for additional information.

To find the correct answer, we can conduct a quick search using a search engine or look for reliable sources such as government reports, international organizations, or reputable news articles. By searching for recent statistics or specific reports about cocoa production in these countries, we can ultimately find the accurate information needed to answer the question.