Hi, could someone help me please with the following questions? Thanks

1. Carmen Santiago works for a number of businesses as a
“consultant.” She has helped design accounting systems,
provided accounting services, and analyzed the financial
strength of her clients’ businesses. Carmen is working as a
A. public accountant.
B. certified management accountant.
C. certified internal auditor.
D. private accountant.

2. Guaranteed replacement cost in a homeowner’s insurance
policy means that the insurance company
A. guarantees they’ll replace the lost items for you.
B. guarantees they’ll pay the current value of items lost.
C. will pay you what it costs to replace the items new.
D. will pay you something for lost items, but the amount
can’t be determined, so they guarantee an average
market value.

3. The primary purpose of accounting is to
A. facilitate government tracking of business activities.
B. make sure a business is paying its taxes.
C. help managers and other stakeholders make informed decisions.
D. provide a method of spending money wisely.

4. Which of the following statements about the money invested in a traditional IRA account
is correct?
A. It isn’t taxed until it’s withdrawn.
B. It’s subject to double taxation.
C. It’s taxed as you make deposits.
D. It isn’t taxed.

5. The _______ reports a firm’s financial condition on a specific date.
A. income statement
B. cash flow statement
C. statement of stockholder’s equity
D. balance sheet

6. The _______ Act legislated new government reporting standards for publicly traded
A. Wagner C. Sarbanes-Oxley
B. Robinson-Patman D. Clayton

7. _______ life insurance is the type in which some part of the money you pay in
premiums goes to pure insurance while another portion goes toward savings.
A. Whole C. Term
B. Variable D. Fixed annuity

8. Which of the following statements about when the Fed increases the reserve requirement
is correct?
A. Interest rates go down.
B. Banks have more money to lend.
C. Inflation tends to go up.
D. Banks have less money to lend.

9. Gross profit (gross margin) is equal to
A. gross sales minus net sales.
B. operating expenses minus taxes.
C. revenue minus cost of goods sold.
D. cost of goods sold minus operating expenses.

10. The first public offering of a corporation’s stock is called a/an _______, and it’s
handled by the _______ market.
A. IPO; primary C. PSO: secondary
B. IPO; secondary D. PSO; primary

11. The primary function of the Fed’s Board of Directors is to
A. supervise banks. C. regulate credit.
B. set monetary policy. D. buy government bonds.

12. The contrarian approach to investing is best illustrated by
A. staying out of the market no matter what experts are saying.
B. always buying when others are selling.
C. investing in mutual funds, contradicting the idea that investing in individual stocks
is better.
D. investing predominantly in the bond market when others are investing in the stock

13. An index fund is a mutual fund that
A. guarantees dividends.
B. offers a minimum return.
C. invests in stocks that follow Moody’s or other rating indexes.
D. invests only in certain kinds of stock, such as those related to transportation.

14. In referring to the money supply, which of the following can be accessed quickly and
easily and includes coins and paper money as well as checks?
A. M-1 C. M-3
B. M-2 D. e-cash

15. Daddy Warbucks bought Annie some stock for her birthday. The stock provides a fixed
dividend, and, if the dividend isn’t paid when it’s due, the missed dividend will accumulate
to be paid later. Daddy bought Annie _______ stock.
A. common C. convertible
B. preferred D. preemptive right

16. When a European coffee maker becomes less expensive to buy in the United States,
you could probably say that we’re experiencing a _______ dollar.
A. falling C. rising
B. inflated D. stable

17. Earnings per share, return on sales, and return on equity are all _______ ratios.
A. activity C. liquidity
B. profitability D. debt

18. Regarding bonds, which statement is most accurate?
A. Bond holders are creditors, not owners.
B. Bond holdings are nearly always converted to common stock.
C. Bonds are a primary source for a company’s long-term funding.
D. It’s illegal for a firm to offer bonds with a floating dividend rate.

19. The first step in taking control of your finances is
A. keeping track of all your expenses.
B. preparing a budget.
C. paying off your debts.
D. taking an inventory of your assets.

20. The first step in the accounting cycle is
A. putting information into journals.
B. preparing a trial balance.
C. analyzing and categorizing documents.
D. posting transactions to ledgers.

21. The major completely electronic securities exchange in the United States is the
B. NASDAQ. D. Chicago Commodity Exchange.

22. A specialized accounting book in which information is posted into specific categories so
managers can find information about one account in the same place is called a
A. ledger. C. trial balance sheet.
B. journal. D. double-entry book.

23. When planning for your future, an investment in a college education will, above all,
A. provide you with new ideas.
B. give you a chance to learn about different ways of life.
C. improve your earning potential.
D. guarantee a certain desired job.

24. The type of accounting concerned with providing information and analyses to managers
within the organization is referred to as
A. financial accounting. C. auditing.
B. managerial accounting. D. tax accounting.

25. With respect to the Federal Reserve, the discount rate is the
A. interest rate charged for loans to member banks.
B. amount of money member banks must keep on hand at the Fed.
C. rate the Fed charges for selling bonds.
D. interest rate banks charge other banks.

What kind of "help" do you want for this test?

Sure! I can help you with these questions. Let's go through them one by one and explain how to get the answers.

1. To determine the answer to question 1, we need to understand what Carmen Santiago does as a consultant. The given information states that she has helped design accounting systems, provided accounting services, and analyzed the financial strength of her clients' businesses. Based on this information, we can determine that Carmen Santiago is working as a consultant who provides accounting services to various businesses. Looking at the answer choices, the most appropriate option would be A. public accountant, as Carmen is working for multiple businesses.

2. For question 2, we need to understand the concept of guaranteed replacement cost in a homeowner's insurance policy. The given information states that guaranteed replacement cost means the insurance company will pay you what it costs to replace the items new. Therefore, the correct answer would be C. The insurance company will pay you what it costs to replace the items new.

3. To answer question 3, we need to determine the primary purpose of accounting. The given options suggest various purposes, but the most accurate answer is C. help managers and other stakeholders make informed decisions. Accounting provides financial information and analysis that helps managers and stakeholders make informed decisions about the business.

4. Regarding question 4, we need to determine the tax implications of the money invested in a traditional IRA account. The correct answer is A. It isn't taxed until it's withdrawn. Traditional IRA contributions are made with pre-tax income, and the taxes are deferred until the funds are withdrawn during retirement.

5. Question 5 asks about a financial statement that reports a firm's financial condition on a specific date. The correct answer is D. balance sheet. A balance sheet provides a snapshot of a company's assets, liabilities, and stockholder's equity on a specific date.

These are the answers and explanations for the first five questions. Let me know if you would like to continue with the remaining questions.