Draw a rectangle to show that 5(x+2) and 5x + 10 are equivalent.

To show that 5(x+2) and 5x + 10 are equivalent, we can draw a rectangle.

Step 1: Draw a rectangle with the length as "x+2" and the width as "5".

| |
| x+2 | 5 |
| |

Step 2: Divide the rectangle horizontally into two equal parts.

| |
| x+2 | 5 |
| |

Step 3: Divide the rectangle vertically into two equal parts.

| | |
| x+2 | 5 |
| | |

Step 4: Calculate the area of the rectangle by multiplying the length and width.

Area = (x+2) * 5

Step 5: Simplify the expression by distributing the 5.

Area = 5x + 10

Therefore, the rectangle represents the equivalence of 5(x+2) and 5x + 10.

To represent the equivalence of the expressions 5(x+2) and 5x + 10, you can draw a rectangle. Here's how to do it:

Step 1: Draw a rectangle and label the length as "x + 2" and the width as "5."

| |
| |

Step 2: Divide the rectangle into two equal parts horizontally to represent the distribution of the factor "5" into the terms inside the parentheses.

| |
| |
| |
| |

Step 3: Now, label the vertical side on the left as "x," representing the term 5x, and the vertical side on the right as 2, representing the term 10.

| |
| x |
| |
| 2 |

Step 4: Finally, calculate the area of the rectangle. The area of a rectangle is given by length x width. In this case, the area is (x + 2) x 5 = 5(x + 2), so it is equivalent to 5x + 10.

By drawing this rectangle, you visually demonstrate the equivalence of the expressions 5(x+2) and 5x + 10.

5(x + 2) = 5x + 10

5x + 10 = 5x + 10