Which of these do NOT give animals an advantage in the ocean?

A.Long Body Hair
B.A smooth Body
C.Structures that sense movement
D.A strong sense of smell

I would say A but I'm not positive PLEASE HELP ME!

To determine which of these options do NOT give animals an advantage in the ocean, we need to analyze the characteristics and understand their implications for underwater survival.

1. Long Body Hair: In the ocean, long body hair does not provide any direct advantages to animals. Hair is not well-suited for underwater movement, and it can create drag, making it harder for animals to navigate through water effectively. Hence, long body hair is a likely candidate for an answer that does NOT provide an advantage.

2. A Smooth Body: A smooth body in the underwater environment reduces resistance, enabling animals to move through the water more efficiently. Therefore, a smooth body is an advantageous characteristic in the ocean.

3. Structures that Sense Movement: Sensory structures that detect movement, such as lateral lines or specialized receptors, provide animals with crucial information about their surroundings. This allows them to sense prey, predators, or other environmental changes, giving them an advantage in detecting and responding to their environment.

4. A Strong Sense of Smell: The ability to detect scents in the ocean is an advantageous trait as countless chemical cues exist underwater. A strong sense of smell helps animals locate food, find potential mates, and avoid (or detect) predators.

Considering the above analysis, it is reasonable to conclude that option A, "Long Body Hair," is the correct answer as it does not provide an advantage in the ocean.