A local photo gallery sells 3 different types of picture packages: economic, standard and luxury. The table below shows the number of pictures and packages given in each of the 3 packages;

Package: Wallet: 4x6: 8x10:
Economic 10 4 1
Standard 20 4 2
Luxury 30 8 4

The table below represents the number of each type of package sold the last weekend:

Package: Quantity Sold:
Economic 15
Standard 20
Luxury 35

What was the total number of wallet, 4x6, and 8x10 photos sold last weekend?
Wallet= ?
4x6= ?
8x10= ?





To find the total number of wallet, 4x6, and 8x10 photos sold last weekend, we need to multiply the quantity sold of each package with the respective number of wallet, 4x6, and 8x10 photos in that package, and then sum up the totals.

According to the given information, the quantities sold for each package are as follows:

Economic: 15
Standard: 20
Luxury: 35

Now, let's multiply the quantities sold with the respective number of photos in each package:

For the Economic package:
Wallet photos sold = Quantity sold * Number of Wallet photos in the package = 15 * 10 = 150
4x6 photos sold = Quantity sold * Number of 4x6 photos in the package = 15 * 4 = 60
8x10 photos sold = Quantity sold * Number of 8x10 photos in the package = 15 * 1 = 15

For the Standard package:
Wallet photos sold = Quantity sold * Number of Wallet photos in the package = 20 * 20 = 400
4x6 photos sold = Quantity sold * Number of 4x6 photos in the package = 20 * 4 = 80
8x10 photos sold = Quantity sold * Number of 8x10 photos in the package = 20 * 2 = 40

For the Luxury package:
Wallet photos sold = Quantity sold * Number of Wallet photos in the package = 35 * 30 = 1050
4x6 photos sold = Quantity sold * Number of 4x6 photos in the package = 35 * 8 = 280
8x10 photos sold = Quantity sold * Number of 8x10 photos in the package = 35 * 4 = 140

Now, let's sum up the totals for each type of photo:

Total Wallet photos sold = Sum of all Wallet photos sold in each package = 150 + 400 + 1050 = 1600
Total 4x6 photos sold = Sum of all 4x6 photos sold in each package = 60 + 80 + 280 = 420
Total 8x10 photos sold = Sum of all 8x10 photos sold in each package = 15 + 40 + 140 = 195

The total number of Wallet photos sold last weekend is 1600.
The total number of 4x6 photos sold last weekend is 420.
The total number of 8x10 photos sold last weekend is 195.