1.You want to purchase a new hard drive for your workstation and are deciding between an HDD and SDD drive. Which of the selections below is NOT an advantage that SDD has over HDD?

A. They don’t get fragmented.
B. They create less noise.
C. They create less heat.
D. They have a higher RPM rate.

is it A.

Answer is D. HDD has a higher rpm rate

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It is A. Solid State Drives do not fragment at all. All of the other answers are an advantage SSDs have over HDDs.


Electrical Engineering student and I built my own computer.

That is incorrect...It is not A

To determine which of the selections is NOT an advantage that SSD has over HDD, we need to compare each advantage with the two types of drives: HDD and SSD.

A. They don't get fragmented: This is an advantage of SSD over HDD. SSD drives do not get fragmented like HDD drives do. This allows for faster and more efficient data access.

B. They create less noise: This is also an advantage of SSD over HDD. Since SSDs have no moving parts, they operate silently, unlike HDDs that have spinning disks and moving mechanical components that can create noise.

C. They create less heat: This is yet another advantage of SSD over HDD. SSDs generate less heat during operation compared to HDDs, as they do not have moving parts that cause friction and heat buildup.

D. They have a higher RPM rate: This is the option that is NOT an advantage of SSD over HDD. HDDs have a higher RPM (rotations per minute) rate compared to SSDs. RPM refers to the speed at which the disks within the HDD rotate. Higher RPM generally leads to faster data access, but since SSDs don't rely on spinning disks, they don't have an RPM rate.

Therefore, the correct answer is D. They have a higher RPM rate.