If you are given a 2.0 M solution of sucrose, describe in detail how you would make the following solutions (include specific glassware):

a. 500 ml of 1.2M sucrose
b. 300 ml of 0.55M sucrose

Remember the definition of molarity.

molarity = # mols/L of solution.
To find mols of solid, mols = g/molar mass.

Am I supposed to split the 2.0 M solution in a way that I can make both a and b?

Nevermind, I know how to do it...I forgot that you have to dilute certain concentrations of solutions to get what you want, and it was basically just asking for that. Thanks for the help.

so what are you looking for...grams?

To make the desired solutions, you will need to dilute the given 2.0 M solution of sucrose with water. Dilution involves adding a solvent (water, in this case) to lower the concentration of the solute (sucrose). Here's how you can make each solution:

a. 500 ml of 1.2 M sucrose:
- Start by calculating the volume of the 2.0 M solution needed to make the desired concentration. You can use the formula C1V1 = C2V2, where C1 is the initial concentration, V1 is the initial volume, C2 is the desired concentration, and V2 is the desired final volume.
- Rearrange the formula to solve for V1. In this case, C1 (2.0 M), V2 (500 ml), and C2 (1.2 M) are known.
- Substitute the values and calculate: (2.0 M)(V1) = (1.2 M)(500 ml). Solve for V1.
- V1 ≈ (1.2 M)(500 ml) / (2.0 M).
- V1 ≈ 300 ml.
- Therefore, measure 300 ml of the 2.0 M sucrose solution using a graduated cylinder or a volumetric flask.
- Add this measured volume of the 2.0 M solution to a 500 ml volumetric flask.
- Then, fill the volumetric flask to the 500 ml mark using water to dilute the solution.
- Thoroughly mix the contents of the flask to ensure uniform distribution, and your 500 ml of 1.2 M sucrose solution is ready.

b. 300 ml of 0.55 M sucrose:
The steps to make this solution are similar to the previous solution:
- Use the dilution formula C1V1 = C2V2, but this time, C1 (2.0 M), V2 (300 ml), and C2 (0.55 M).
- Rearrange the formula to solve for V1. In this case, V1 is the unknown volume to be measured.
- Substitute the values and calculate: (2.0 M)(V1) = (0.55 M)(300 ml). Solve for V1.
- V1 ≈ (0.55 M)(300 ml) / (2.0 M).
- V1 ≈ 82.5 ml.
- Measure 82.5 ml of the 2.0 M sucrose solution using a graduated cylinder or a volumetric flask.
- Transfer this measured volume to a 300 ml volumetric flask.
- Add water to the flask until it reaches the 300 ml mark.
- Thoroughly mix the contents of the flask to ensure uniform distribution, and your 300 ml of 0.55 M sucrose solution is ready.

Remember to always wear appropriate protective gear and handle chemicals with care while conducting any laboratory procedures.