I need some help with my intro paragraph for a compare/contrast essay. I have the first and last sentences, just need some help with the filler sentences. Ideas? (

"The similarities and differences between the “Gettysburg Address” and “Pericles' Funeral Oration” have long been debated and discussed amongst both scholars and ordinary people alike.[insert filler sentences] After much contemplation, the multitude of similarities and differences between Lincoln's "Gettysburg Address" and Thucydides "Pericles' Funeral Oration", is apparent in both their content and the rhetorical devices used."


What have you said in the body of your essay?

Please post your outline here so that we can help you figure out how to introduce your essay.

No need, I figured it out. Thank you though. Apologies.

Certainly! Here are a few ideas for filler sentences to help develop your intro paragraph:

1. "Both speeches, despite being delivered by leaders from different time periods and cultures, share a common purpose - that is, to commemorate a significant event and honor those who have fallen."
2. "One of the striking similarities between the 'Gettysburg Address' and 'Pericles' Funeral Oration' lies in their emphasis on the importance of unity and collective identity within a nation."
3. "While the 'Gettysburg Address' primarily focuses on the American Civil War and the 'Pericles' Funeral Oration' centers around the Peloponnesian War, they both address the sacrifices made by individuals for the greater good of their respective societies."
4. "In terms of structure, both speeches feature an introduction that captures the audience's attention and establishes a common ground, followed by a body that highlights the history and significance of the event being commemorated."
5. "Moreover, both Lincoln and Thucydides employ powerful rhetorical strategies, such as the use of persuasive language, symbolism, and repetition, to convey their messages and evoke emotional responses from their listeners."

Remember, these are just suggestions, and you can tailor them to fit your specific perspective and analysis of the two speeches. Good luck with your essay!