Hi...i asked a question about 45 minuets ago, and i have been working at it still. I still havn't gotten an anwser! Could somebody please help me!

The question is, "this staircase has 3 steps (their are 6 blocks lined up as a staircase) How many blocks would you need for a 2-step staircase?

I already know that its 210 blocks..what i need is an expression/rule. PLEASE help!!

If a 3 step staircase needs 6 blocks , why do you need 210? You need to explain the problem better.

I'd be happy to help you with your question!

To find the expression or rule for determining the number of blocks needed for a specific number of steps in a staircase, we can analyze the given information and look for patterns.

From the information you provided, we know that a 3-step staircase requires 6 blocks. Now, we need to find the relationship between the number of steps and the number of blocks needed.

By observing the given data, we can see that the number of blocks needed is increasing linearly with the number of steps. In other words, for each additional step, the number of blocks needed increases by some constant value.

To find that constant value, we can compare the two data points we have: a 3-step staircase requires 6 blocks, and a 2-step staircase requires an unknown number of blocks. Let's denote the unknown number of blocks needed for a 2-step staircase as "x."

We can set up a proportion using the two data points:

(3 steps) / (6 blocks) = (2 steps) / (x blocks)

Cross-multiplying gives us:

3x = 2 * 6

Simplifying the equation gives us:

3x = 12

Dividing both sides by 3:

x = 4

So, we have found that a 2-step staircase requires 4 blocks.

To summarize, the expression or rule to determine the number of blocks needed for a specific number of steps in a staircase is:

(number of steps) = (number of blocks) / 2

In this case, for a 2-step staircase, the number of blocks needed is 2 * 4 = 8.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.