A decision making model is more beneficial than simple comparing costs and benefits because

A. the decision making model encourages you to consider multiple options.
B. a costs and benefits analysis encourages you to consider multiple options.
C. the costs and benefits analysis helps you define the problem to address
D. the decision making model helps you define the problem to address.

The correct answer is D. The decision making model helps you define the problem to address.

A decision making model is a structured approach that helps individuals or organizations make more informed and rational decisions. It involves several steps, such as identifying the problem, generating alternative solutions, evaluating the alternatives, and selecting the best one based on certain criteria.

One of the key advantages of using a decision making model is that it helps clarify and define the problem or issue at hand. Before considering costs and benefits, it is important to have a clear understanding of what problem needs to be addressed. The decision making model prompts you to clearly define the problem and gather relevant information before moving on to analyzing costs and benefits.

Option A is incorrect because although a decision making model encourages considering multiple options, it is not its main advantage over simple cost and benefit analysis. Option B is incorrect because a cost and benefit analysis may not necessarily prompt you to consider multiple options; it focuses more on quantifying and comparing the advantages and disadvantages of a single option. Option C is incorrect because the costs and benefits analysis helps in evaluating different options, not necessarily in defining the problem to address.