An example of a positive externality is

A. noise
B. crime
C. parks
D. trash

I think the answer is C. Parks. Will someone tell me if i'm wrong or right please.



You are correct. C. Parks is an example of a positive externality. A positive externality occurs when an individual or economic activity benefits others without receiving compensation. Parks provide recreational opportunities, aesthetic value, and improved quality of life for the surrounding community. These positive impacts are enjoyed by individuals who may not directly contribute to the maintenance or creation of the park. Therefore, it can be considered a positive externality.

You are correct, the answer is C. Parks. A positive externality is a benefit that is enjoyed by a third party or society as a whole, without them having to pay for it. In the case of parks, they provide recreational opportunities, green space, and improved air quality, which are all positive benefits to the community. Therefore, the establishment and maintenance of parks generate positive externalities. On the other hand, noise (A) and crime (B) are typically considered negative externalities as they impose costs or harm on others. Trash (D) is not typically considered a positive externality as it does not provide benefits to others.