A square piece of paper 20cm by 20cm has equal sized squares cut from each corner, size x. What is the formula to work out the volume of this? Also what size squares cut at each corner would produce the largest volume open top box? Thanks for any help, asap :D

To find the formula for the volume of the open-top box, we first need to determine its dimensions.

After cutting equal-sized squares from each corner of the 20cm by 20cm square paper, the resulting box will have a length, width, and height. Let's break down the dimensions:

1. Length: The original length of the square paper is 20cm. We remove squares from both ends, each with length x. Hence, the remaining length of the box is (20 - 2x) cm.

2. Width: Similar to length, the original width of the paper is also 20cm. After removing squares from both ends, each with width x, the remaining width of the box is also (20 - 2x) cm.

3. Height: The height of the box will be equal to the size of the squares cut from the corners. In this case, it is x cm.

Now we can calculate the volume of the box using the formula:

Volume = Length × Width × Height

Volume = (20 - 2x) cm × (20 - 2x) cm × x cm

Simplifying further:

Volume = x(20 - 2x)(20 - 2x) cm^3

To find the size of squares that would produce the largest volume, we need to determine the value of x that maximizes the volume. For this, we can find the critical points by taking the derivative of the volume equation with respect to x and setting it to zero:

dV/dx = 0

Once we solve this equation, we will find the value of x that maximizes the volume.

To find the formula for the volume of an open-top box made from a square piece of paper with equal-sized squares cut from each corner, we need to consider the dimensions of the resulting box.

Let's assume the original square paper has side length a, and the size of the square cut from each corner is x.

The length of the box will be (a - 2x) (since we have two corners cut out, each of size x), and the width will be (a - 2x).

The height of the resulting box will be equal to the size of the squares cut from the corners, which is x.

Therefore, the formula for the volume of the box is:

Volume = Length × Width × Height
= (a - 2x) × (a - 2x) × x
= x(a - 2x)(a - 2x)

To find the size of the squares cut from each corner that would produce the largest volume, we need to maximize the volume function.

To do this, we can differentiate the volume function with respect to x, set the derivative equal to zero, and solve for x. The value of x that satisfies this equation will give us the size of the squares cut from each corner that maximizes the volume.

Let's differentiate the volume function:

dV/dx = 3x^2 - 4ax + a^2

Setting the derivative equal to zero:

3x^2 - 4ax + a^2 = 0

This is a quadratic equation, and we can solve it using the quadratic formula:

x = [4a ± √(16a^2 - 12a^2)] / 6
x = [4a ± √(4a^2)] / 6
x = [4a ± 2a] / 6

Simplifying further:

x = (2/3)a or x = (1/3)a

We have obtained two values for x. To determine which one maximizes the volume, we can substitute these values back into the volume function and compare the results.

Let's calculate the volume for each value of x:

Volume1 = x(a - 2x)(a - 2x) (using x = (2/3)a)
Volume2 = x(a - 2x)(a - 2x) (using x = (1/3)a)

Simplifying each expression:

Volume1 = (2/3)(a - (4/3)a)((2/3)a - (4/3)(2/3)a)
= (2/3)(1/3)(a^3)
= (2/9)a^3

Volume2 = (1/3)(a - (4/3)a)((1/3)a - (4/3)(1/3)a)
= (1/3)(2/3)(a^3)
= (2/9)a^3

As you can see, both Volume1 and Volume2 are equal.

Therefore, cutting squares with a side length equal to (2/3)a or (1/3)a from each corner will produce the largest volume open-top box.