-15 - (3-7) + 6 * (-2) + (-8) - 9

-15- (3-7) + 6 *(-2) +(-8) -9

= -15-(-4) +(-12) - 8 -9
=-15 + 4 -12 -8 -9
= -11 -12 -8 -9
=- -40

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To solve this expression, you need to follow the order of operations or PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division from left to right, and Addition and Subtraction from left to right).

Let's break down the expression step by step:

Step 1: Simplify the parentheses
Inside the parentheses, we have (3-7). Evaluating this, we get -4.
So the expression becomes:
-15 - (-4) + 6 * (-2) + (-8) - 9

Step 2: Simplify the negation in front of parentheses
Negating a number inside parentheses changes its sign. So, -(-4) becomes +4.
The expression now becomes:
-15 + 4 + 6 * (-2) + (-8) - 9

Step 3: Simplify the multiplication
Next, we'll compute 6 * (-2), which gives us -12.
The expression now becomes:
-15 + 4 - 12 + (-8) - 9

Step 4: Simplify addition and subtraction from left to right
Now, we'll combine like terms:
-15 + 4 gives us -11,
-11 - 12 gives us -23,
-23 + (-8) gives us -31,
and finally, -31 - 9 gives us -40.

So, the final result of -15 - (3-7) + 6 * (-2) + (-8) - 9 is -40.