Find infinitive phrase and tell if itis used as a noun adj or adv

To have a balanced diet keep the food triangle in mind. To have a balanced diet is phrase. Is it an adverb


In order to find the infinitive phrase and determine its function (noun, adjective, or adverb) in the sentence "To have a balanced diet keep the food triangle in mind," we first need to identify the infinitive phrase.

An infinitive phrase is a group of words that begins with an infinitive verb (to + base form of a verb) and includes any modifiers or objects related to that verb. In this sentence, the infinitive phrase is "To have a balanced diet."

Now, let's determine the function of this phrase.

"To have a balanced diet" functions as a noun in this sentence. It serves as the subject of the sentence, which means it is the thing performing the action in the main clause. In this case, it represents the concept of having a balanced diet.

Therefore, the infinitive phrase "To have a balanced diet" is used as a noun in the sentence. It answers the question of what the sentence is about (having a balanced diet). It does not function as an adverb in this case.