sina=3/5, pi/2<a<pi evaluate cos2a

cos2a = 1 - 2sin^2(a)

= 1 - 2*9/25

in this case, it doesn't really matter which quadrant a is in, as sin^2 is always positive.

extra credit: which quadrant is 2a in?

To evaluate cos(2a) given that sin(a) = 3/5 and π/2 < a < π, we need to use the double-angle identity for cosine.

The double-angle identity for cosine states that:

cos(2a) = cos²(a) - sin²(a)

To find cos(a), we can use the Pythagorean identity:

sin²(a) + cos²(a) = 1

Given that sin(a) = 3/5, we can substitute this value into the Pythagorean identity:

(3/5)² + cos²(a) = 1

9/25 + cos²(a) = 1

Now, we can solve for cos²(a):

cos²(a) = 1 - 9/25

cos²(a) = 16/25

Now that we know cos²(a), we can substitute it back into the double-angle identity for cosine to find cos(2a):

cos(2a) = cos²(a) - sin²(a)
= 16/25 - (3/5)²
= 16/25 - 9/25
= 7/25

Therefore, cos(2a) = 7/25.