Can someone use the word myriad in a sentence? I know it's kind of a dumb question but I'm really stuck

The examples here are good ones. The explanation under USAGE NOTE is also good and includes examples.


Of course, I'd be happy to help you! To use the word "myriad" in a sentence, you can say:

"There are a myriad of colors to choose from for the new logo design."

Now, let me explain how to use the word "myriad" in a sentence. "Myriad" is an adjective that means a countless or extremely large number of something. When using it in a sentence, you can pair it with a plural noun to indicate the sheer abundance or variety of that noun. In the example sentence I provided, "colors" is the plural noun paired with "myriad" to convey that there are countless options or a great variety of colors available for the logo design.