5. Which of the following causes clouds to form ?

a) air cooling to its dew point
b) water vapor condensing as it rises into cooler air
c) air pressure rising above normal
d) air pressure falling below normal

6. Which of these is least liekly to influence temperature ?

a) latitude of the area
b) population of the area
c) proximity to the ocean
d) proximity to a mountain

stop being a fake teacher !!! Mr. Sue or should I CALL you Mr. suspicious or what the kids say these days Mr.Sus !!!


that is funny lol


ummm....... im strugling with the SAME question. V_V

omg yall are strange

lol im anonymous

To find the answer to question 5, we need to understand what causes clouds to form. Cloud formation occurs when water vapor in the air condenses into tiny droplets or ice crystals. This process often happens when air rises and cools.

So, let's examine the options:

a) Air cooling to its dew point: This is a correct option. When air reaches its dew point temperature, it becomes saturated with water vapor, leading to the formation of clouds.

b) Water vapor condensing as it rises into cooler air: This is also a correct option. As air rises, it encounters cooler temperatures, causing water vapor to condense and form clouds.

c) Air pressure rising above normal: While changes in air pressure can affect weather conditions, it does not directly cause cloud formation. Therefore, this option is incorrect.

d) Air pressure falling below normal: Similar to the previous option, changes in air pressure alone do not cause clouds to form. Hence, this option is incorrect.

Based on the above analysis, options (a) and (b) are both correct answers since they describe the process by which cloud formation occurs.

Moving on to question 6, we are looking for the factor that is least likely to influence temperature. Let's consider the options:

a) Latitude of the area: The latitude of a location has a significant impact on the temperature due to its position relative to the equator. As we move away from the equator, temperatures tend to decrease. Therefore, latitude is likely to influence temperature.

b) Population of the area: The population of an area does not inherently affect the temperature. It is unrelated to climate or weather patterns. Thus, this option is less likely to influence temperature compared to others.

c) Proximity to the ocean: The proximity to the ocean can influence temperature. Coastal areas often experience milder temperatures due to the moderating effect of ocean currents. Therefore, this option is likely to influence temperature.

d) Proximity to a mountain: Mountains can affect temperature by influencing air circulation, creating temperature variations along slopes, and causing changes in precipitation patterns. Hence, this option is also likely to influence temperature.

Based on the above analysis, option (b) – population of the area – is least likely to influence temperature compared to the other options.

Wow no one has answered you for so long :(

i am so sorry i did not answer you kelsey