Make an assesment of the contribution of harman Melville to the modern American fiction

Herman Melville?

Read lots and let us know what you write:

To assess the contribution of Herman Melville to modern American fiction, let's start by understanding his background and the impact of his works.

1. Research Herman Melville: Begin by gathering information about Herman Melville's life and works. He was an American author born on August 1, 1819, who gained recognition for his iconic novel, "Moby-Dick," among other literary contributions.

2. Explore his literary works: Read some of his major works to understand the themes, styles, and techniques employed by Melville. In addition to "Moby-Dick," his other notable works include "Typee," "Billy Budd," and "Bartleby, the Scrivener." These works showcase Melville's exploration of complex themes such as the human condition, morality, the nature of good and evil, and the struggle between man and nature.

3. Analyze his impact on modern American fiction: Consider the ways in which Melville's works influenced subsequent generations of American writers. Look for evidence of his influence on themes, narrative techniques, character development, and storytelling. Melville's incorporation of philosophical and moral questions, as well as his immersive and descriptive writing style, have had a lasting impact on American literature.

4. Compare his works with those of his contemporaries: To fully appreciate Melville's contribution, compare his works with other prominent authors of his time, such as Nathaniel Hawthorne, Edgar Allan Poe, and Ralph Waldo Emerson. Identify similarities and differences in their writing styles, themes, and approaches.

5. Consult critical analyses and literary criticism: Read various critical assessments of Melville's works from literary scholars and critics. This will provide you with a broader understanding of how his writing has been perceived and evaluated throughout history.

6. Consider cultural and historical context: Reflect on the social and historical context in which Melville lived and wrote. For instance, his works often reflect the impact of the American Industrial Revolution, the growth of the whaling industry, and the broader cultural shifts of the era. Understanding this context will deepen your assessment of his contribution to American fiction.

By following these steps, you will be able to evaluate Herman Melville's contribution to modern American fiction comprehensively. Remember to analyze his works, compare them with others of his time, and review critical assessments to form a well-rounded assessment.