The vertices of ABC are A(2,-5), B(-3,5), and C(3,-3).the triangle is reflected over the x-axis.use arrow notations to describe the original triangle and its reelection.

A) A(2,-5),B(-3,5),C(3,-3)->(2,-5),(-3,5),(3,-3)
B) A(2,-5),B(-3,5),C(3,-3)->(-2,5),(3,-5),(-3,3)
C) A(2,-5),B(-3,5),C(3,-3)->(-2,-5),(3,5),(-3,-3)
D) A(2,-5),B(-3,5),C(3,-3)->(2,5),(-3,-5),(3,3)
Is it A

in a reflection in the x-axis, all the x values stay the same, but the new y's become opposites of the old ones

now, which matches that description.

Is it A

Does it fit the description I gave you?

How about some thinking on your part after all your posts ?

Your description helped me understand thank you. It is D

Hi i know im late. Thanks so much reiny!

No, the correct answer is not A.

To reflect a point over the x-axis, we keep the same x-coordinate and change the sign of the y-coordinate.

So, let's apply this transformation to each vertex of ABC:
- Vertex A(2, -5) will become A(2, -(-5)) = A(2, 5)
- Vertex B(-3, 5) will become B(-3, -5)
- Vertex C(3, -3) will become C(3, -(-3)) = C(3, 3)

Based on this transformation, the correct answer is D) A(2,-5),B(-3,5),C(3,-3)->(2,5),(-3,-5),(3,3).