suppose that an insurance agent offers you a policy that will provide you with a yearly income of $60,000 in 30 years what is the comparable salary today, assuming inflation rate of 3% compounded annually. round the answer to the nearest cents.

Thank you have a day.

A = p(1 + r)^t

60000 =p(1.03)^30
60000 = 2.427262471p
P = $24719.21

thank you very much it is appreciated.

To find the comparable salary today, we need to adjust the future income of $60,000 for inflation.

We'll use the formula for compound interest to do this calculation:

Current Value = Future Value / (1 + Inflation Rate)^Number of Years

Let's plug in the values into the formula:

Future Value = $60,000
Inflation Rate = 3% = 0.03
Number of Years = 30

Current Value = $60,000 / (1 + 0.03)^30

Calculating this equation will give us the comparable salary today.

Current Value ≈ $60,000 / (1.03)^30

Now, let's calculate it step by step:

Step 1: Calculate (1.03)^30

(1.03)^30 ≈ 2.427

Step 2: Divide $60,000 by 2.427

Current Value ≈ $24,683.10

Therefore, the comparable salary today, adjusted for inflation, is approximately $24,683.10.