Use the ‘|’ key (Shift + \ on most keyboards, just beside the backspace key) to create the line between the stems and the leaves. Be sure to put a couple spaces between each of the leaves.

Country Percent Of Household With
Microwave Ovens
Argentina 97%
Belgium 93%
Canada 69%
Denmark 95%
France 88%
Germany 94%
Greece 64%
Ireland 92%
Italy 88%
Jordan 99%
Switzerland 91%
United States 97%

idk its been so long and no-one answered

it has been 7 years

To create the line between the stems and the leaves in the given table, you will need to use the 'pipe' character, which looks like | and is usually located above the Enter key on most keyboards.

Here's an example of how you can format the table with the line:

Country Percent Of Household With
Microwave Ovens
Argentina 97%
Belgium 93%
Canada 69%
Denmark 95%
France 88%
Germany 94%
Greece 64%
Ireland 92%
Italy 88%
Jordan 99%
Switzerland 91%
United States 97%

To create the line, place the pipe character | right after the column headers "Country" and "Percent Of Household With Microwave Ovens". Make sure to align the pipe character with the rest of the table by adding spaces before and after it. For the rest of the table, you can use spaces to align the columns and create a clean table layout.

By using the | key to create the line and properly spacing the columns, you can make the table easier to read and understand.