with symbolism, authors use concrete object to represent

A. abstract ideas
B. general notions
C. universal truths
D. established facts

I can't decide between C and D. I'm leaning more towards D.

Thank You.


Symbolism is a powerful literary device used by authors to convey deeper meanings or ideas through the use of concrete objects. These objects, such as a rose or a dove, act as symbols that represent abstract ideas, general notions, universal truths, or established facts.

To determine which answer choice is most accurate, let's break it down further:

Option A: Abstract ideas - Symbolism allows authors to represent abstract concepts through tangible objects. For example, a storm may symbolize conflict or chaos, conveying the abstract idea of a turbulent emotional state.

Option B: General notions - Symbolism can also be used to represent broad or general ideas. For instance, a candle could symbolize hope or enlightenment, capturing the general notion of positive enlightenment or guidance.

Option C: Universal truths - Symbolism is frequently employed in literature to express fundamental and timeless truths about human nature or the world. An owl symbolizing wisdom is an example of a universal truth connecting this quality with the bird's noted intelligence.

Option D: Established facts - While symbolism is not typically used to represent established facts, it is used to highlight or enhance the significance of facts within a literary work.

In this case, option C, universal truths, seems to be the most suitable choice. Symbolism often transcends specific circumstances, allowing the author to convey profound and universally applicable messages.

However, note that symbolism can encompass various layers of meaning, and multiple interpretations can coexist, depending on the context and the reader's understanding. It's essential to consider the broader themes and context of the work to determine the precise intention behind the author's use of symbolism.

Symbolism is

"something that stands for, represents, or suggests another thing, especially, an object used to represent something abstract.”
symbolism is the use of symbols to represent something abstract

Concrete object is

relating to or characteristic of things capable of being perceived by the senses, as opposed to abstractions

Mabey A, just a guess :)

A is correct.