Select the letter of the choice that indicates which

sentence-combining strategy best applies to the example:
Off in the thick of the woods came a fairy sound, followed by a
tremulous silence, a holding apart of the air.
a. varying the length of sentences
b. varying the structure of sentences
c. using parallelism for emphasis
d. using interruption for emphasis
e. using unusual patterns for emphasis

The sentence-combining strategy that best applies to the example is: d. using interruption for emphasis.

To determine the answer, we need to analyze the given example: "Off in the thick of the woods came a fairy sound, followed by a tremulous silence, a holding apart of the air."

The sentence combines different phrases and ideas to create a descriptive image. It starts with "Off in the thick of the woods came a fairy sound," which represents the initial action. Then it continues with "followed by a tremulous silence, a holding apart of the air," which adds additional descriptions and emphasizes the silence that follows the initial sound.

Based on this analysis, the sentence-combining strategy that best applies to this example is "d. using interruption for emphasis." The interruption technique is used here to create a pause and emphasize the contrast between the fairy sound and the subsequent silence.

Out of context, it could be any of them.