1.In general terms, how do the townspeople in “The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World” react to the body which washes up on their shore?

2.Why do the townspeople react to Esteban as they do? What is he to them?

3.What is a fable, how might “The Handsomest Drowned Man” be considered one? Be specific, and, if necessary, do some quick research on the web.

4.Notice that this story includes very little character development. That is, we really don’t get to know the complexities of any one person very well, and there doesn’t seem to be a main character or protagonist who changes in the course of the tale. Is this a flaw of the story?

5.How is this story DIFFERENT from the fantasy or science fiction you may have read before?

6.Based on this story, how would you characterize the genre of magical realism?

7.What is an archetype, and where do you find the archetypes in this story?

This is your assignment ... or maybe it's a test or quiz.

Have you read this short story? http://www.utdallas.edu/~aargyros/hansomest.htm

Have you looked up all words you're not 100% sure of? http://www.dictionary.com

What are YOUR QUESTIONS about this assignment?

1. In "The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World," the townspeople initially react with curiosity and disbelief when they find the body of a handsome drowned man washed up on their shore. They are intrigued by his impressive appearance, which is unlike anything they have ever seen before. As the story progresses, they become increasingly obsessed with the idea of transforming their town and their lives based on the idealized image of the drowned man.

To understand the townspeople's reaction to the body, you can read the story by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, which is widely available in various mediums such as books, online publications, or audiobooks. By reading the story, you will get a firsthand account of the townspeople's reactions to the drowned man.

2. The townspeople react to Esteban, the drowned man, with a mixture of fascination and admiration. He becomes a symbol of beauty and perfection, representing something extraordinary in their mundane lives. To them, he serves as a vessel for their desires and fantasies. The people project their hopes and dreams onto him, envisioning a transformation of their town and salvaging their own identities.

To understand why the townspeople perceive Esteban in this way, you can analyze his portrayal and the narrative context provided by the story. Pay attention to the descriptions of Esteban's physical appearance, the reactions of the townspeople, and the symbolic significance attributed to him.

3. A fable is a short fictional story that usually presents a moral or teaches a lesson through the use of animals or inanimate objects as characters. It typically has a simple narrative structure and employs symbolism and allegory. "The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World" can be considered a fable due to its use of symbolism and the lessons it conveys.

To understand the specific elements of a fable and how they apply to "The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World," you can conduct quick research on the web by searching for definitions and examples of fables. You can also explore the story's allegorical nature, its moral implications, and how it aligns with traditional fable structures.

4. The minimal character development in "The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World" can be seen as a deliberate narrative choice rather than a flaw. The story focuses more on the townspeople's collective reaction to the drowned man rather than individual character growth. It aims to explore themes of transformation, beauty, and communal imagination, rather than providing deep insights into specific characters.

To support this analysis, you can examine the story's narrative structure, character interactions, and the overall thematic focus. Look for evidence of the story's emphasis on communal transformation rather than individual character development.

5. "The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World" differs from traditional fantasy or science fiction in several ways. Unlike fantasies that often include magical realms or creatures, or science fiction that explores futuristic technology or other worlds, this story presents a more subtle form of magical realism. It blends elements of the ordinary and the extraordinary, portraying fantastical events within a realistic setting.

To understand the differences more comprehensively, you can compare the story's narrative style, themes, and use of magical elements with other fantasy or science fiction literature you may have read. Pay attention to the way magical realism interweaves with the story's reality, blurring the boundaries between the possible and the fantastical.

6. Based on "The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World," the genre of magical realism can be characterized by the fusion of extraordinary and magical elements with ordinary and realistic settings. Magical realism often challenges conventional storytelling by introducing fantastical elements into everyday life without questioning their plausibility. It presents a mix of the mundane and the extraordinary, blurring the line between reality and imagination.

To understand more about magical realism as a genre, you can research its origins, characteristics, and notable works by examining scholarly articles, books, or online resources dedicated to the topic. Look for specific examples in the story that exhibit the traits commonly associated with magical realism.

7. An archetype is a universal symbol or recurring theme that represents a shared collective experience or idea. In "The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World," archetypes can be found in the characters and the symbolic representations throughout the story.

To identify the archetypes in the story, analyze the characters' roles and qualities as well as the symbolic elements within the narrative. Look for patterns or recurring motifs that align with commonly recognized archetypes, such as the hero, the savior, or the transformative figure. Additionally, consider the symbolic significance of the sea, the town, and the transformative impact they have on the townspeople.