Is "about" capitalized in a sentence when it is the second word in the sentence?

No, unless it's a title.

What is the sentence?

I meant a title.

About is capitalized in a title.

No supposed it is when it is the first word of a sentence.

The capitalization of the word "about" in a sentence depends on the specific style guide you are following or the context in which the sentence is being written. In general, if "about" is used as a preposition, it is not usually capitalized. However, if it is used as the first word of a title or a heading, it is typically capitalized.

To determine the correct capitalization, it is helpful to consult a style guide such as The Chicago Manual of Style, the AP Stylebook, or your organization's in-house style guide. These resources provide specific guidelines for capitalization, punctuation, and formatting in various contexts.

If you are writing in a casual or informal setting without a specific style guide, you have some flexibility. You can choose to capitalize "about" in a sentence if you believe it enhances the clarity or emphasis of your writing. However, it is generally recommended to follow the conventions of standard English writing when possible.

Remember, when in doubt, it is always a good idea to consult a trusted style guide or seek guidance from a knowledgeable editor or instructor.