The Populist Party
The election of Rutherford Hayes as President
Coxey’s Army
The Grange associations

is it the populist party


Yes, the correct completion of the progression would be "The Populist Party." The given progression follows a historical sequence of events related to agrarian discontent and the efforts of farmers to organize and advocate for their interests.

To understand how to complete the sequence, one must have some knowledge of American history during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. These events are related to the efforts of farmers to address the challenges they faced, such as economic struggles, declining agricultural prices, and unfair business practices.

Here is a breakdown of the progression:

1. AGRARIAN DISCONTENT: This refers to the dissatisfaction and frustration felt by farmers due to various issues affecting their livelihoods, such as price fluctuations, debt, and monopolistic practices.

2. The GRANGE ASSOCIATION: The Grange, officially known as the Order of Patrons of Husbandry, was a national organization founded in 1867 to promote the social and economic needs of farmers and rural communities.

3. FARMERS' ALLIANCES: Farmers' Alliances were grassroots organizations formed in the late 19th century to address the concerns of farmers and advocate for their interests. These alliances sought to improve agricultural policies, access to credit, and fair trade practices.

4. The Populist Party: Born out of the Farmers' Alliances, the Populist Party, also known as the People's Party, was a political party formed in 1891. It sought to advance the interests of farmers and the working class through political activism and economic reform. The party's platform included calls for the regulation of railroads, free coinage of silver, direct election of senators, and government ownership of utilities.

5. Unionization: This refers to the movement of workers, including farmers, to join labor unions to collectively address their working conditions, wages, and other labor-related issues.

6. The election of Rutherford Hayes as President: This event is not directly related to agrarian discontent or the efforts of farmers. Rutherford Hayes was elected as the 19th President of the United States in 1876, and his presidency did not specifically address the concerns of farmers.

7. Coxey's Army: Coxey's Army was a protest march that occurred in 1894. Led by Jacob Coxey, a businessman and populist sympathizer, a group of unemployed workers marched to Washington, D.C., to demand government intervention in the midst of a severe economic depression. While the march expressed discontent with economic conditions, it was not specifically related to agrarian issues.

Considering this sequence, the correct completion is "The Populist Party" as it follows the progression from the Grange associations and Farmers' Alliances, which were the precursor movements leading to the formation of the Populist Party.