please check

i think its B or D.

Under which conditions are clouds formed from ice crystals?

A.strong winds
B.high altiude
C.low humidity
D.high pressure

hey matt are you in connections academy?

To determine under which conditions clouds are formed from ice crystals, let's analyze the options provided:

A. Strong winds: While strong winds can have an impact on cloud formation and movement, they are not directly responsible for the formation of clouds from ice crystals.

B. High altitude: This option is correct. Clouds formed from ice crystals are typically found at high altitudes, where temperatures are low enough for water vapor to freeze into ice.

C. Low humidity: Low humidity conditions generally lead to the formation of clouds composed of liquid water droplets, rather than ice crystals. Clouds with ice crystals require higher humidity levels due to the need for water vapor to freeze.

D. High pressure: High-pressure systems typically indicate clear weather conditions with sinking air, which do not favor the formation of ice crystal clouds.

Based on the analysis above, option B "high altitude" is the correct answer for conditions under which clouds are formed from ice crystals.