A long distance trucker traveled 280 miles in one direction during a snow storm. The return trip in rainy weather was accomplished at double the speed and took 5 hours less time. Find the speed.

Let V be the speed going out and then 2V is the speed coming back

Time coming back = time going out - 5

280/2V = 280/V - 5

Solve that equation for V

To find the speed, we need to set up an equation based on the information given.

Let's assume that the speed of the truck during the first part of the journey (in one direction) is S miles per hour. Therefore, the time taken for this part of the journey can be represented as 280/S hours.

According to the given information, on the return trip (in the opposite direction), the truck traveled at double the speed. So, the speed during the return trip is 2S miles per hour. The time taken for the return trip can be represented as 280/(2S) = 140/S hours.

It is mentioned that the return trip took 5 hours less time. So, we can set up the equation:

280/S - 140/S = 5

To solve this equation, we can find a common denominator and combine the fractions:

280 - 140 = 5S

140 = 5S

S = 140/5

S = 28

Therefore, the speed of the truck is 28 miles per hour.