The table shows the results of a spinner with four colored sections. Use the table to answer the question.

The spinner is spun 50 more times.

Which is the best prediction for the number of times the spinner will stop on white?


Which is the best prediction for the number of times the spinner will stop on white?

To find the best prediction for the number of times the spinner will stop on white, let's analyze the data provided in the table.

First, let's calculate the probability of the spinner landing on white based on the given data.

We can see that in the given 100 spins, the spinner landed on white 40 times. So, the probability of landing on white is 40/100 or 0.4.

Now, let's calculate the expected number of times the spinner will stop on white in 50 spins by multiplying the probability by the number of spins.

Expected number of times the spinner will stop on white = Probability of landing on white × Number of spins
Expected number of times the spinner will stop on white = 0.4 × 50

Calculating this, we get:
Expected number of times the spinner will stop on white = 20

Therefore, the best prediction for the number of times the spinner will stop on white in the additional 50 spins is 20.

To answer the question, we need to analyze the data provided in the table. The table shows the results of a spinner with four colored sections, but unfortunately, you haven't provided the actual table or any numbers. Please provide the table or the numbers in order for me to help you determine the best prediction for the number of times the spinner will stop on white.