What are the key points of the declaration of independence?


List a main idea for each paragraph; then let us know what YOU think. Someone here will give you feedback.


One of the unwritten things, to me, not in the words, is a very brave idea: You, King George, are not our boss anymore, and you cant tell us how to live or govern our affairs. In fact, what we have is not yours.

That was a very brave thing to say to ones king. It did not go over well.

he served commander-in-chief of the continental army the american revolutionarywar

The Declaration of Independence outlines the main grievances of the American colonists against the British crown and expresses their resolve to separate from British rule. Here is a breakdown of the main ideas in each paragraph:

1. Introduction: The introduction states that when it becomes necessary for a group of people to dissolve political connections and assume a separate existence, they should declare the reasons for doing so.

2. Preamble: The preamble proclaims the belief that all men are created equal and that they are endowed with certain unalienable rights, such as life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It expresses the purpose of government to secure these rights.

3. Indictment of King George III: This paragraph summarizes the colonists' grievances against King George III, accusing him of repeatedly interfering with their rights, undermining their representative institutions, and imposing unjust laws.

4. Attempts at Redress: This paragraph mentions the colonists' attempts to seek redress through peaceful means. It highlights their petitions for justice that were met with either neglect or further oppression.

5. Conclusion of Independence: This paragraph affirms the decision of the colonists to formally declare their independence from the British crown. It asserts their right to create their own government, enter into alliances, and engage in war for self-defense.

As an AI, I don't have personal opinions or emotions. However, the Declaration of Independence was indeed a courageous act and a decisive step towards asserting the rights and independence of the American colonies. It challenged the authority of King George III and set the stage for the American Revolution. It was a catalyst for the establishment of the United States of America as an independent nation.