help fill in the blanks please??

Similarities in the early development of chickens and opossums suggest that these organisms share a _________.

Niles Eldredge found evidence in trilobite fossils in a pattern of evolution in which short periods of long change are mixed in with longer periods of little or no change. This pattern is called _________.

A trilobite is considered an index fossil because this organism existed a limited period in Earth's history. That means any fossil located in layer of rock beneath trilobite fossil is ________ less than a trilobite.

common ancestor

punctuated equilibrium

To fill in the blanks:

1. Similarities in the early development of chickens and opossums suggest that these organisms share a _________.
To find the answer, one needs to analyze the similarities in the early development of chickens and opossums. By comparing their embryonic development, genetic makeup, or physical traits, scientists can identify common features or characteristics. These shared features can then indicate that these organisms share a common _________.

2. Niles Eldredge found evidence in trilobite fossils in a pattern of evolution in which short periods of rapid change are mixed in with longer periods of little or no change. This pattern is called _________.
To determine the term to fill in the blank, we need to understand Niles Eldredge's finding. Niles Eldredge observed a pattern in trilobite fossils where there were short periods of rapid evolution followed by longer periods of little or no change. This pattern is commonly known as _________.

3. A trilobite is considered an index fossil because this organism existed for a limited period in Earth's history. That means any fossil located in a layer of rock beneath a trilobite fossil is _________ less than a trilobite.
To determine the term to fill in the last blank, we need to understand the concept of an index fossil. An index fossil is a fossil of an organism that existed during a specific time period. It is used to determine the age of the rock layers in which it is found. So, any fossil found in a layer of rock beneath a trilobite fossil would be considered _________ compared to a trilobite.