How do you think America might be different if presidents Jefferson and Adams had not died within hours of one another on Independece day?

They probably would have continued their friendship through correspondance reminiscening
About their contributions to the young nation's history, to opinions on current political issues, to matters of philosophy and religion, and even issues of aging

I agree.

To answer this speculative question, we can consider how the continuing friendship and correspondence between Presidents Jefferson and Adams could have influenced America's history. Here are a few possibilities:

1. Political Influence: With their combined experience and wisdom, Jefferson and Adams could have had a significant influence on the political landscape of America. They might have continued to offer guidance and advice to subsequent presidents, helping shape the nation's policies and governance.

2. National Unity: As two prominent figures from different political parties, Jefferson and Adams could have worked together to bridge the divide between their respective ideologies. Their friendship and collaboration might have set a precedent for political cooperation and fostered a greater sense of unity among Americans.

3. Intellectual Exchange: Jefferson and Adams were both highly intellectual individuals with interests in philosophy, science, and religion. Through their ongoing correspondence, they could have engaged in fruitful discussions, exchanging ideas, and promoting intellectual growth. Their interaction might have influenced the intellectual landscape of America, fostering a culture of learning and innovation.

4. Historical Legacy: By staying alive and remaining in contact, Jefferson and Adams could have continued to reflect on and contribute to the history they had helped shape. Their joint efforts to document and preserve the early years of the nation might have resulted in more detailed accounts of significant events, providing future generations with a richer understanding of America's roots.

It is important to note, however, that these points are speculative. Since we cannot predict the exact outcomes, any conclusions about how America might be different are purely hypothetical.