Hi again, thank you for your help on Nellie McClung, the sites were great.

Here's another question; for my culminating activity i have to write an argumentative essay on Women's Rights featuring four events but i only have 1 event in 1918 when women got the right to vote can you help me find three more event within 1900-2000 that have to do with women's rigts in Canada.

Thank you so very much :)

I went to www.google.com and searched for timeline women's rights canada, and here are the results:


You should find lots of information in these, especially the first five or ten links.


Of course, I'd be happy to help you find three more events within the time frame of 1900-2000 that are related to women's rights in Canada for your argumentative essay.

Event 1: Famous Five Case (1927)
One significant event in Canadian women's rights history is the Famous Five Case, also known as the Persons Case. In 1927, five prominent women, Emily Murphy, Nellie McClung, Henrietta Muir Edwards, Louise McKinney, and Irene Parlby, challenged the notion that women were not considered "persons" under the British North America Act. They fought for the right for women to be appointed to the Canadian Senate. The case was eventually brought before the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council in England, which ruled that women were indeed considered "persons" and thus eligible for public office.

How to find more information:
You can research the Famous Five Case by looking up resources such as articles, books, or reputable websites that provide information on this historical event. Websites such as Library and Archives Canada (www.bac-lac.gc.ca), Canadian Encyclopedia (www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca), or government websites like the Government of Canada's Women's History Month page (www.swc-cfc.gc.ca) can provide valuable information and sources for your essay.

Event 2: Abortion Law Reform (1988)
Another significant event related to women's rights is the abortion law reform in Canada. Before 1988, abortion was subject to restrictions and criminal penalties. However, in the landmark case R. v. Morgentaler, the Supreme Court of Canada struck down the existing laws as unconstitutional. The ruling recognized that the previous restrictions violated women's rights to life, liberty, and security, as protected under Section 7 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. This decision decriminalized abortion across Canada.

How to find more information:
To explore the topic of abortion law reform in Canada, you can search for articles, books, or reputable websites that discuss the history of abortion rights in Canada and the Morgentaler case. Websites such as the Supreme Court of Canada (www.scc-csc.ca) or Canadian women's rights advocacy groups like the Canadian Women's Foundation (www.canadianwomen.org) can provide valuable information and sources for your essay.

Event 3: Pay Equity Act (1984)
The Pay Equity Act, which came into effect in 1984, is another significant event in the history of women's rights in Canada. This act aimed to address the systemic gender-based wage gap by ensuring that women receive equal pay for work of equal value in the federal public sector. It required employers to assess and rectify any wage disparities based on gender. The Pay Equity Act established a framework for achieving pay equity and promoting gender equality in the workplace.

How to find more information:
To gather more information about the Pay Equity Act, you can search for resources such as government websites, academic papers, or reports on the history and impact of pay equity legislation in Canada. The Canadian Human Rights Commission (www.chrc-ccdp.gc.ca) and federal government websites like the Department for Women and Gender Equality (www.swc-cfc.gc.ca) can provide useful information and research materials for your essay.

Remember to critically analyze and cross-reference information from multiple sources to ensure accuracy and reliability for your essay. Good luck with your culminating activity!