How did Lamarck and Darwin differ in their thinking about species?

A. Darwin thought that organisms could induce their own changes, while Lamarck thought that change could only be induced by an organism's environment.

B. Darwin thought that change could occur in individual organisms, while Lamarck thought that change could only occur across generations.

C. Darwin thought that genes controlled a species' ability to survive, while Lamarck thought that genes were only one part of a species' ability to adapt.

D. Darwin thought that organisms had to struggle to survive, while Lamarck thought that organisms could make adjustments when conditions became difficult.

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I believe it's C

I think it is D. Results?


15. common ancestor
16. punctuated equilibrium
17. adaptation
18. overproduction
19. body
20. artificial selection
21. inheritance
22. homologues structures
23. older

These are the answers for the whole assignment.

The correct answer is D. Darwin thought that organisms had to struggle to survive, while Lamarck thought that organisms could make adjustments when conditions became difficult.

To understand the difference between Lamarck's and Darwin's thinking about species, we need to look at their respective theories of evolution.

Lamarck proposed the theory of inheritance of acquired characteristics. He believed that organisms could induce their own changes by interacting with their environment. According to Lamarck, these acquired characteristics would then be passed on to their offspring. For example, he suggested that a giraffe's neck lengthened over time because ancestors of the giraffe stretched their necks to reach higher leaves, and this longer neck was then passed down to subsequent generations.

On the other hand, Darwin's theory of evolution, known as natural selection, focused on the idea that organisms with advantageous traits are more likely to survive and reproduce. He believed that individuals within a species varied in their inherited traits, and those with traits that better suited their environment would have a better chance of surviving and passing on their traits to the next generation. This process of natural selection would gradually lead to changes in species over time.

The main difference between Lamarck and Darwin lies in their ideas about how changes occur within a species. Lamarck believed that individual organisms could actively induce changes in response to their environment, while Darwin thought that changes happened over long periods through the process of natural selection.

Therefore, option D is the correct choice as it accurately describes the difference between Lamarck and Darwin's thinking about species.