Jade ran 6 times around her neighbourhood to complete a total of 1mile. How many times will she need to run to complete 5/6 of a mile?


To find how many times Jade needs to run to complete 5/6 of a mile, we can set up a proportion based on the given information.

Since Jade ran 6 times around her neighborhood to complete 1 mile, we have the ratio:
6 times / 1 mile = x times / (5/6) mile

Now, let's solve for x.
To simplify, we can convert 5/6 to a decimal:
5/6 = 0.83 (rounded to two decimal places)

Now, our proportion becomes:
6/1 = x / 0.83

To find x, we'll cross multiply and solve for x:
6 * 0.83 = x * 1

4.98 = x

Therefore, Jade will need to run approximately 4.98 times (or approximately 5 times) to complete 5/6 of a mile.

well, obviously, one lap is 1/6 of a mile.

That should help...
