Command economies:

A. Are considered a type of mixed economy

B. Are considered a type of free market economy

C. Oppose private property, free market pricing, competition, and consumer choice

D. Encourage private property, free market pricing, competition, and consumer choice

The correct answer is C. Command economies oppose private property, free market pricing, competition, and consumer choice.

Command economies, also known as planned economies, are economic systems where the allocation of resources, production, and distribution of goods and services are controlled and planned by a central authority, typically the government. In these economies, the government determines what goods and services are produced, how they are produced, and how they are distributed.

To arrive at the answer, it's important to understand the characteristics of command economies and compare them to the options provided.

A. Mixed economies are a combination of market-oriented elements and government intervention. They involve both private ownership and government regulation. Command economies, on the other hand, do not have private ownership or market-oriented elements, so option A is incorrect.

B. Free market economies, also known as market economies or capitalist economies, are characterized by private ownership, free market pricing, competition, and consumer choice. Command economies, as mentioned earlier, do not have these characteristics, so option B is incorrect.

C. Command economies directly oppose private property, free market pricing, competition, and consumer choice. This option accurately describes the characteristics of a command economy, making it the correct answer.

D. This option is the opposite of what command economies stand for. In command economies, the government controls the means of production and distribution, and consumer choice is limited. Therefore, option D is incorrect.

By understanding the definition and key features of command economies, we can determine that the correct answer is C.