Solve the following

2a(a squared+4a)

You don't have an equation, so "solving" is the wrong instruction.

are you expanding 2a(a^2 + 4a) ?

= 2a^3 + 8a^2

thank you

To solve the given expression "2a(a^2 + 4a)", we can apply the distributive property to simplify it.

First, distribute the 2a to each term inside the parentheses:

2a(a^2 + 4a) = 2a * a^2 + 2a * 4a

Now, multiply the factors:

= 2a * a^2 + 8a^2

= 2a^3 + 8a^2

So, the simplified expression is 2a^3 + 8a^2.