1)His grandmother really enjoys spending the afternoon at the center for senior citizens.

2)One of the high points of our trip was seeing the Canadian Eskimos in their traditional garb.

3)Her brother's friend is an AIDS victim.

4) It's hard to believe that a woman her age could accomplish so much.

Please let us know what you think needs to be changed (if anything) in each of these sentences, and someone here will give you feedback.


1) His grandmother enjoys spending the afternoon at the senior citizens' center.

- The sentence is grammatically correct and conveys the intended meaning. No changes are necessary.

2) One of the highlights of our trip was seeing the Canadian Inuit people in their traditional attire.
- 'Eskimos' is an outdated term, so it is better to use 'Inuit people' to refer to the indigenous people of Canada's Arctic regions. 'High points' can be replaced with 'highlights' to improve clarity and fluency.

3) Her brother's friend is a person living with AIDS.
- Instead of 'AIDS victim,' it is more appropriate to use 'person living with AIDS' to avoid stigmatizing language. This change helps promote a more empathetic and inclusive understanding.

4) It's hard to believe that a woman of her age could accomplish so much.
- The sentence is grammatically correct, but it can be more respectful by avoiding the use of 'her age' and simply saying 'a woman of her age.' This change eliminates any implication of judgment or stereotyping based on age.