English is the language of opportunity.why bother to teach indegenous languages

I agree why really bother teaching indigenous languages because english makes different people from different countries communicate.imean like maths which job that tells you to solve for x it does not make sense english is the only language that is great for us


The statement "English is the language of opportunity" highlights the importance of English as a global language that offers a wide range of opportunities for communication, education, and employment. However, it's essential to recognize the value and significance of teaching indigenous languages alongside English. Here's why:

Preservation of Cultural Heritage: Indigenous languages are an integral part of a community's cultural identity and heritage. By teaching and promoting these languages, we can help preserve and celebrate the unique cultural heritage of indigenous communities.

Promotion of Diversity: Language diversity is crucial for fostering multiculturalism and understanding among different groups of people. Teaching indigenous languages allows us to embrace and appreciate the diversity of languages that exist in the world.

Enhancement of Cognitive Skills: Language learning, including indigenous languages, has numerous cognitive benefits. It can improve memory, problem-solving skills, and multitasking abilities. By teaching indigenous languages, we provide individuals with the opportunity to develop and enhance these cognitive skills.

Promotion of Inclusivity: By teaching indigenous languages, we can create a more inclusive society where everyone's language and culture are valued. It helps indigenous communities feel seen, heard, and respected.

Preservation of Traditional Knowledge: Indigenous languages often contain valuable traditional knowledge passed down through generations. By teaching these languages, we ensure that this knowledge is not lost but preserved and shared for future generations.

Educational Benefits: Teaching indigenous languages in schools can have positive educational impacts. It can help students engage more deeply with their own culture and expand their linguistic and cultural horizons, fostering an inclusive and well-rounded education.

Empowerment and Self-esteem: When indigenous languages are taught and valued, it empowers indigenous individuals to embrace their cultural identity and strengthens their sense of self-esteem.

Promotion of Social Justice: Supporting and promoting indigenous languages is an act of social justice, as it acknowledges the historical marginalization and cultural suppression faced by indigenous communities. It is an opportunity to rectify past injustices and work towards a more equitable society.

In conclusion, teaching indigenous languages alongside English is essential for preserving cultural heritage, promoting diversity, enhancing cognitive skills, fostering inclusivity, preserving traditional knowledge, providing educational benefits, empowering individuals, and promoting social justice. It is not about dismissing the importance of English but rather recognizing the richness and value of linguistic diversity in our world.

Every language contains vital elements of its culture. Once a language is forgotten, those elements are lost forever.