The average of P numbers is x and the average of N numbers is y. What is the average of all the (P+N)numbers?

a. x+y/2
b. x+y
c. Py+Nx/xy(P+N)
d. x+y/P+N
e. Px+Ny/P+N

totals are Px and Ny

so, the average we want is


To find the average of the (P + N) numbers, we need to consider two factors:

1. The sum of the P numbers, which will give us a total of Px.
2. The sum of the N numbers, which will give us a total of Ny.

Now, let's calculate the average of all the (P + N) numbers:

Step 1: Add the sums of the P and N numbers
Px + Ny

Step 2: Add the P and N numbers
P + N

Step 3: Divide the sum of the P and N numbers by the total count
(Px + Ny) / (P + N)

Therefore, the answer is e. Px + Ny / (P + N).

To find the average of all the (P + N) numbers, you need to calculate the sum of all the numbers and then divide it by (P + N).

The sum of the P numbers is P * x, as the average value x means that the sum of these P numbers is P multiplied by x.

Similarly, the sum of the N numbers is N * y, as the average value y means that the sum of these N numbers is N multiplied by y.

Therefore, the sum of all the (P + N) numbers is (P * x) + (N * y).

To find the average, divide this sum by (P + N):

[(P * x) + (N * y)] / (P + N)

In the given options, the expression that matches this calculation is option (e):

(Px + Ny) / (P + N)

So, the average of all the (P + N) numbers is Px + Ny divided by P + N.