One light year is about 9 trillion kilometers. Arcturus is a star that is 37 light years from earth. If you are about 11 years old now , how old will you be when light that is leaving. Arcturus today reaches Earth ? How far, in kilometers, will it have traveled? Show your work. If you can please help answer this question ASAP. ThAnk you

You will be 48 years old

To calculate how old you will be when the light from Arcturus reaches Earth, we need to determine how much time has passed since the light left the star. Since Arcturus is 37 light years away, it means that the light we see today actually left the star 37 years ago.

Given that you are currently 11 years old, you can calculate the age you will be when the light reaches Earth by adding the time it takes for the light to travel (37 years) to your current age (11 years):

11 years + 37 years = 48 years

So, you will be 48 years old when the light from Arcturus reaches Earth.

Now let's calculate the distance the light has traveled. One light year is approximately 9 trillion kilometers, and Arcturus is 37 light years away. Thus, the total distance traveled by the light can be found by multiplying the number of light years by the number of kilometers in one light year:

37 light years * 9 trillion kilometers per light year = 333 trillion kilometers

Therefore, the light from Arcturus will have traveled approximately 333 trillion kilometers when it reaches Earth.

In conclusion, you will be 48 years old when the light from Arcturus reaches Earth, and the light will have traveled approximately 333 trillion kilometers.