Dorothy and Rosanne are baking cookies for a party. Working alone, Rosanne can finish the cookies in 6 hours. Dorothy can finish them in 8 hours if she is working alone. How long will it take them to bake the cookies if they are working together? Round your answer to the nearest hundredth if necessary.

7.00 hours
3.43 hours
0.29 hours
14.00 hours

I can immediately cross out D and C. I'm stuck between A and B, but i think it is A.

Ms. Sue forgot to grasp the concept of this being algebra not 1st grade math. I'll save you the time. It's 3.43.

Just curious, every math question on tests I've found on the internet because of another student asking, and they got an answer. This leads me to believe, litterally no one does there own work on connexus they just look it up, am I half right? πŸ˜‚

*2 years later* "I'll save you the time"

I really hope you're right Justin this was like the hardest test ever ugh math needa die

thx justin

true, i just check all my answers before i submit because my grade is low, and i dont wanna get a bad grade in the class

How old is Ms Sue?! I think she's a vampire πŸ§›β€β™‚οΈ πŸ€” πŸ˜‚ jk...

deku, Ms Sue died...

HAHA Kiarra trueeeee

How did you find that answer?